Hello, I followed a youtube video and wrote the code exactly as he did, but mine gets four errors, while his doesn't. I don't know if it's because we're using different versions of unity (Me: Unity 5, him: whatever one was around in 2011) or what happened. Here's the full code:

using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;

public class Chest : MonoBehaviour { public State state;

public enum State

void Start()
State = Chest.State.close;

void Update()


public void OnMouseEnter ()
Debug.Log ("Enter");

public void OnMouseExit ()


public void OnMouseUp ()
if (State == Chest.State.close)
Open ();
Close ();

private void Open()
Animation.Play ("OpenAnime");
State = Chest.State.open;

private void Close()



First two errors say "The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, a property, or an indexer." This is referencing lines 17 & 46.

Third error says "Expression denotes a 'Type', where a 'variable', 'value' or 'method group' was expected." This one is referencing line 37.

The last error says " An object reference is required to access non-static member `UnityEngine.Animation.Play()'", and is referencing line 45.

I came to this site because no one is answering any questions on the Unity Answer forums and the moderator(s) are taking 2 hours to approve a question. This project is due in about an hr & half. I've been working on this for weeks.