hi i am working post apocalyptic game like h1z1 or dayz or 7 days to die i have every think set up from models to textuers but i need 2 thinks
1- if some can help me with a 3000 px and up terrain and if u want textuers i can give u but becuse i dont have any knowing with terrains and how to make a realstic one

2-i need some one to help me i am using ufps and probuilder and photon and mybe i will use ups multiplayer kit so if some one can help me with working on the game it will be so good


i dont have any money right now but i will run a kickstarter camping and indiejojo camping
and any money that will come i will try to bay u  Very Happy  .

and thx
if u like u can send a massege

and if u helpet with any think your name will be on the about section