Hi Folks, new to the forum and Unity

I am having a problem with raycasts.

I have a small sandbox setup. I have a patrol cycling through a series of waypoints. The patrol has a detection zone around it. OnTriggerStay, the patrol attempts to fire a raycast at the object detected, if that object is the player. The patrol then follows the player if it has line of sight.

I would like at this stage that the player can move and hide behind walls etc. However, my raycasts are going through other objects even though they have colliders on them.

I have worked on this all with, with different approaches but cannot get around the issue.

Help would be much appreciated.

I attach here copies of my PatrolDetection script and the patrolController script.



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
//This allows for the use of lists
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class PatrolController : MonoBehaviour {
 public List<Transform> wayPointsList = new List<Transform>();

 public Transform currentWaypoint;

 public Transform currentPatrolTarget;

 public int wayPointNumber = 0;
 public float speed =4f;

 public float turnSpeed = 1f;

 public PatrolDetection PT;

 //NavMeshAgent Componants -> Navigation
 public NavMeshAgent navAgent;

 // Use this for initialization
 void Start () {
 currentWaypoint = wayPointsList [wayPointNumber];
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update () {
 moveEnemy ();
 public void moveEnemy()
 if (PT.isDetected == true && PT.canSee == true)
 //Debug.Log ("The Player is detected and seen!");
 currentPatrolTarget = GameObject.Find ("Player").transform;
 if(navAgent.remainingDistance <= navAgent.stoppingDistance)
 if (wayPointNumber != wayPointsList.Count - 1) {
 navAgent.SetDestination(wayPointsList [wayPointNumber].position);
 wayPointNumber = 0;
 navAgent.SetDestination(wayPointsList [wayPointNumber].position);





using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class PatrolDetection : MonoBehaviour {

 public LayerMask sightBlockingLayers;

 public RaycastHit hit;

 public float maxRayCastRange = 100.0f;

 //general detection
 public bool isDetected = false;
 //can see target
 public bool canSee = false;
 void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
 //Something has triggered Patrol Detection
 isDetected = true;
 //Debug.Log ("The " + other + " is detected");
 if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, (other.transform.position - transform.position), out hit, sightBlockingLayers));
 Debug.DrawLine(transform.parent.position, hit.point);
 canSee = true;
 //Debug.Log ("The " + other + " is seen");

 void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
 isDetected = false;
 if(other.gameObject.name == "Player")
 //Debug.Log("The " + other + " exited the collider");
 canSee = false;

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm quite stuck.
