
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Pathfinding;
using System.Diagnostics;

[AddComponentMenu ("Pathfinding/Seeker")]
/** Handles path calls for a single unit.
* \ingroup relevant
* This is a component which is meant to be attached to a single unit (AI, Robot, Player, whatever) to handle it's pathfinding calls.
* It also handles post-processing of paths using modifiers.
* \see \ref calling-pathfinding
public class Seeker : MonoBehaviour {

//====== SETTINGS ======

/* Recalculate last queried path when a graph changes. \see AstarPath.OnGraphsUpdated */
//public bool recalcOnGraphChange = true;

public bool drawGizmos = true;
public bool detailedGizmos = false;

/** Saves nearest nodes for previous path to enable faster Get Nearest Node calls.
* This variable basically does not a affect anything at the moment. So it is hidden in the inspector */
public bool saveGetNearestHints = true;

public StartEndModifier startEndModifier = new StartEndModifier ();

public TagMask traversableTags = new TagMask (-1,-1);

/** Penalties for each tag.
* Tag 0 which is the default tag, will have added a penalty of tagPenalties[0].
* These should only be positive values since the A* algorithm cannot handle negative penalties.
* \note This array should always have a length of 32.
* \see Pathfinding.Path.tagPenalties
public int[] tagPenalties = new int[32];

//====== SETTINGS ======

//public delegate Path PathReturn (Path p);

/** Callback for when a path is completed. Movement scripts should register to this delegate.\n
* A temporary callback can also be set when calling StartPath, but that delegate will only be called for that path */
public OnPathDelegate pathCallback;

/** Called before pathfinding is started */
public OnPathDelegate preProcessPath;

/** For anything which requires the original nodes (Node[]) (before modifiers) to work */
public OnPathDelegate postProcessOriginalPath;

/** Anything which only modifies the positions (Vector3[]) */
public OnPathDelegate postProcessPath;

//public GetNextTargetDelegate getNextTarget;

//public Path lastCompletedPath;
public List<Vector3> lastCompletedVectorPath;
public List<GraphNode> lastCompletedNodePath;


/** The current path */
protected Path path;

/** Previous path. Used to draw gizmos */
private Path prevPath;

/** Returns #path */
public Path GetCurrentPath () {
return path;

private GraphNode startHint;
private GraphNode endHint;

private OnPathDelegate onPathDelegate;

/** Temporary callback only called for the current path. This value is set by the StartPath functions */
private OnPathDelegate tmpPathCallback;

/** The path ID of the last path queried */
protected uint lastPathID = 0;

/** Initializes a few variables
public void Awake () {
onPathDelegate = OnPathComplete;

startEndModifier.Awake (this);

/** Cleans up some variables.
* Releases any eventually claimed paths.
* Calls OnDestroy on the #startEndModifier.
* \see ReleaseClaimedPath
* \see startEndModifier
public void OnDestroy () {
ReleaseClaimedPath ();
startEndModifier.OnDestroy (this);

/** Releases an eventual claimed path.
* The seeker keeps the latest path claimed so it can draw gizmos.
* In some cases this might not be desireable and you want it released.
* In that case, you can call this method to release it (not that path gizmos will then not be drawn).
* If you didn't understand anything from the description above, you probably don't need to use this method.
public void ReleaseClaimedPath () {
if (prevPath != null) {
prevPath.ReleaseSilent (this);
prevPath = null;

private List<IPathModifier> modifiers = new List<IPathModifier> ();

public void RegisterModifier (IPathModifier mod) {
if (modifiers == null) {
modifiers = new List<IPathModifier> (1);

modifiers.Add (mod);

public void DeregisterModifier (IPathModifier mod) {
if (modifiers == null) {
modifiers.Remove (mod);

public enum ModifierPass {

/** Post Processes the path.
* This will run any modifiers attached to this GameObject on the path.
* This is identical to calling RunModifiers(ModifierPass.PostProcess, path)
* \see RunModifiers
* \since Added in 3.2
public void PostProcess (Path p) {
RunModifiers (ModifierPass.PostProcess,p);

/** Runs modifiers on path \a p */
public void RunModifiers (ModifierPass pass, Path p) {

//Sort the modifiers based on priority (bubble sort (slow but since it's a small list, it works good))
bool changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
for (int i=0;i<modifiers.Count-1;i++) {
if (modifiers[i].Priority < modifiers[i+1].Priority) {
IPathModifier tmp = modifiers[i];
modifiers[i] = modifiers[i+1];
modifiers[i+1] = tmp;
changed = true;

//Call eventual delegates
switch (pass) {
case ModifierPass.PreProcess:
if (preProcessPath != null) preProcessPath (p);
case ModifierPass.PostProcessOriginal:
if (postProcessOriginalPath != null) postProcessOriginalPath (p);
case ModifierPass.PostProcess:
if (postProcessPath != null) postProcessPath (p);

//No modifiers, then exit here
if (modifiers.Count == 0) return;

ModifierData prevOutput = ModifierData.All;
IPathModifier prevMod = modifiers[0];

//Loop through all modifiers and apply post processing
for (int i=0;i<modifiers.Count;i++) {
//Cast to MonoModifier, i.e modifiers attached as scripts to the game object
MonoModifier mMod = modifiers[i] as MonoModifier;

//Ignore modifiers which are not enabled
if (mMod != null && !mMod.enabled) continue;

switch (pass) {
case ModifierPass.PreProcess:
modifiers[i].PreProcess (p);
case ModifierPass.PostProcessOriginal:
modifiers[i].ApplyOriginal (p);
case ModifierPass.PostProcess:

//Convert the path if necessary to match the required input for the modifier
ModifierData newInput = ModifierConverter.Convert (p,prevOutput,modifiers[i].input);

if (newInput != ModifierData.None) {
modifiers[i].Apply (p,newInput);
prevOutput = modifiers[i].output;
} else {

UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("Error converting "+(i > 0 ? prevMod.GetType ().Name : "original")+"'s output to "+(modifiers[i].GetType ().Name)+"'s input.\nTry rearranging the modifier priorities on the Seeker.");

prevOutput = ModifierData.None;

prevMod = modifiers[i];

if (prevOutput == ModifierData.None) {


/** Is the current path done calculating.
* Returns true if the current #path has been returned or if the #path is null.
* \note Do not confuse this with Pathfinding.Path.IsDone. They do mostly return the same value, but not always.
* \since Added in 3.0.8
* \version Behaviour changed in 3.2
* */
public bool IsDone () {
return path == null || path.GetState() >= PathState.Returned;

/** Called when a path has completed.
* This should have been implemented as optional parameter values, but that didn't seem to work very well with delegates (the values weren't the default ones)
* \see OnPathComplete(Path,bool,bool) */
public void OnPathComplete (Path p) {
OnPathComplete (p,true,true);

/** Called when a path has completed.
* Will post process it and return it by calling #tmpPathCallback and #pathCallback */
public void OnPathComplete (Path p, bool runModifiers, bool sendCallbacks) {

AstarProfiler.StartProfile ("Seeker OnPathComplete");

if (p != null && p != path && sendCallbacks) {

if (this == null || p == null || p != path)

if (!path.error && runModifiers) {
AstarProfiler.StartProfile ("Seeker Modifiers");
//This will send the path for post processing to modifiers attached to this Seeker
RunModifiers (ModifierPass.PostProcessOriginal, path);

//This will send the path for post processing to modifiers attached to this Seeker
RunModifiers (ModifierPass.PostProcess, path);
AstarProfiler.EndProfile ();

if (sendCallbacks) {

p.Claim (this);

AstarProfiler.StartProfile ("Seeker Callbacks");

lastCompletedNodePath = p.path;
lastCompletedVectorPath = p.vectorPath;

//This will send the path to the callback (if any) specified when calling StartPath
if (tmpPathCallback != null) {
tmpPathCallback (p);

//This will send the path to any script which has registered to the callback
if (pathCallback != null) {
pathCallback (p);

//Recycle the previous path
if (prevPath != null) {
prevPath.ReleaseSilent (this);

prevPath = p;

//If not drawing gizmos, then storing prevPath is quite unecessary
//So clear it and set prevPath to null
if (!drawGizmos) ReleaseClaimedPath ();


AstarProfiler.EndProfile ();

*public void OnEnable () {
http://AstarPath.OnGraphsUpdated += CheckPathValidity;

public void OnDisable () {
http://AstarPath.OnGraphsUpdated -= CheckPathValidity;

*public void CheckPathValidity (AstarPath active) {

*if (!recalcOnGraphChange) {

Debug.Log ("Checking Path Validity");
Debug.Break ();
if (lastCompletedPath != null && !lastCompletedPath.error) {
Debug.Log ("Checking Path Validity");
StartPath (transform.position,lastCompletedPath.endPoint);

*if (!lastCompletedPath.path[0].IsWalkable (lastCompletedPath)) {
StartPath (transform.position,lastCompletedPath.endPoint);

for (int i=0;i<lastCompletedPath.path.Length-1;i++) {

if (!lastCompletedPath.path[i].ContainsConnection (lastCompletedPath.path[i+1],lastCompletedPath)) {
StartPath (transform.position,lastCompletedPath.endPoint);
Debug.DrawLine (lastCompletedPath.path[i].position,lastCompletedPath.path[i+1].position,Color.cyan);

//The frame the last call was made from this Seeker
//private int lastPathCall = -1000;

/** Returns a new path instance. The path will be taken from the path pool if path recycling is turned on.\n
* This path can be sent to #StartPath(Path,OnPathDelegate,int) with no change, but if no change is required #StartPath(Vector3,Vector3,OnPathDelegate) does just that.
* \code Seeker seeker = GetComponent (typeof(Seeker)) as Seeker;
* Path p = seeker.GetNewPath (transform.position, transform.position+transform.forward*100);
* p.nnConstraint = NNConstraint.Default; \endcode */
public ABPath GetNewPath (Vector3 start, Vector3 end) {
//Construct a path with start and end points
ABPath p = ABPath.Construct (start, end, null);

return p;

/** Call this function to start calculating a path.
* \param start The start point of the path
* \param end The end point of the path
public Path StartPath (Vector3 start, Vector3 end) {
return StartPath (start,end,null,-1);

/** Call this function to start calculating a path.
* \param start The start point of the path
* \param end The end point of the path
* \param callback The function to call when the path has been calculated
* \a callback will be called when the path has completed.
* \a Callback will not be called if the path is canceled (e.g when a new path is requested before the previous one has completed) */
public Path StartPath (Vector3 start, Vector3 end, OnPathDelegate callback) {
return StartPath (start,end,callback,-1);

/** Call this function to start calculating a path.
* \param start The start point of the path
* \param end The end point of the path
* \param callback The function to call when the path has been calculated
* \param graphMask Mask used to specify which graphs should be searched for close nodes. See Pathfinding.NNConstraint.graphMask.
* \a callback will be called when the path has completed.
* \a Callback will not be called if the path is canceled (e.g when a new path is requested before the previous one has completed) */
public Path StartPath (Vector3 start, Vector3 end, OnPathDelegate callback, int graphMask) {
Path p = GetNewPath (start,end);
return StartPath (p, callback, graphMask);

/** Call this function to start calculating a path.
* \param p The path to start calculating
* \param callback The function to call when the path has been calculated
* \param graphMask Mask used to specify which graphs should be searched for close nodes. See Pathfinding.NNConstraint.graphMask. \astarproParam
* \a callback will be called when the path has completed.
* \a Callback will not be called if the path is canceled (e.g when a new path is requested before the previous one has completed) */
public Path StartPath (Path p, OnPathDelegate callback = null, int graphMask = -1) {
p.enabledTags = traversableTags.tagsChange;
p.tagPenalties = tagPenalties;

//Cancel a previously requested path is it has not been processed yet and also make sure that it has not been recycled and used somewhere else
if (path != null && path.GetState() <= PathState.Processing && lastPathID == path.pathID) {
path.LogError ("Canceled path because a new one was requested.\n"+
"This happens when a new path is requested from the seeker when one was already being calculated.\n" +
"For example if a unit got a new order, you might request a new path directly instead of waiting for the now" +
" invalid path to be calculated. Which is probably what you want.\n" +
"If you are getting this a lot, you might want to consider how you are scheduling path requests.");
//No callback should be sent for the canceled path

path = p;
path.callback += onPathDelegate;

tmpPathCallback = callback;

//Set the Get Nearest Node hints if they have not already been set
*if (path.startHint == null)
path.startHint = startHint;

if (path.endHint == null)
path.endHint = endHint;

//Save the path id so we can make sure that if we cancel a path (see above) it should not have been recycled yet.
lastPathID = path.pathID;

//Delay the path call by one frame if it was sent the same frame as the previous call
*if (lastPathCall == Time.frameCount) {
StartCoroutine (DelayPathStart (path));
return path;

//lastPathCall = Time.frameCount;

//Pre process the path
RunModifiers (ModifierPass.PreProcess, path);

//Send the request to the pathfinder
AstarPath.StartPath (path);

return path;

public IEnumerator DelayPathStart (Path p) {
yield return null;
//lastPathCall = Time.frameCount;

RunModifiers (ModifierPass.PreProcess, p);

AstarPath.StartPath (p);

public void OnDrawGizmos () {
if (lastCompletedNodePath == null || !drawGizmos) {

if (detailedGizmos) {
Gizmos.color = new Color (0.7F,0.5F,0.1F,0.5F);

if (lastCompletedNodePath != null) {
for (int i=0;i<lastCompletedNodePath.Count-1;i++) {
Gizmos.DrawLine ((Vector3)lastCompletedNodePath[i].position,(Vector3)lastCompletedNodePath[i+1].position);

Gizmos.color = new Color (0,1F,0,1F);

if (lastCompletedVectorPath != null) {
for (int i=0;i<lastCompletedVectorPath.Count-1;i++) {
Gizmos.DrawLine (lastCompletedVectorPath[i],lastCompletedVectorPath[i+1]);
